Saturday, 16 February 2013

I heart studios :)


I have finally got round to blogging about an internship I did in summer 2012, now that I've finally started up my blog.

I Heart Studios in an e-commerce studio in London. I interned there for two weeks as a studio and styling assistant during july and august and really enjoyed it! I learnt alot - from assisting the stylists and assisting with shoots, to prepping garments and shot lists, and know that its something I definitely want to continue on doing. Its made me certain that that's the area of work I want to go into :)

I really enjoyed the whole experience and felt I left with lots of new knowledge, and hope that I can continue on with more internships to gain even more experience and learn many more new skills.


  1. ah that sounds amazing- i'd love to do something like that! x

    1. It was so good! they often advertise on twitter for new interns so its worth checking it out :) x
